Since plants cultivated in a soil-free environment are spoon fed & do not have to fight with others for water or nutrient, a considerably larger number of plants can be cultivated in a given space than if cultivated by conventional field practices in soil.
Tests conducted by CEA (Cornell University's Controlled Environment Agriculture) Commercial-Scale Lettuce Production Prototype has accomplished soil-free lettuce yields equal to four-hundred seventy tons per acre. In comparison, usual production in California employing conventional field farming is presently about twenty tons per acre.

A patio, deck, balcony, or corner of the garden can effortlessly be turned into an extremely efficient soil-free garden, making use of only a small part of the space and water needed for a conventional soil garden.
Soil-free hydroponic growing procedures lend themselves well to the local production of market produce in undersized facilities for employ in local markets, which results in fresher and healthier produce for the end customers.
Most commercially grown yields should be picked before their time to facilitate shipping & delivery to locations often thousands of kilometers from their point of production, which usually means it’s supplied to customers in a less than perfect condition.
As one of the leading suppliers of hydroponic farming facilities in the Middle East and Northern Africa, Pegasus Agriculture revolutionized the growth of fruits & vegetables in the area by using the latest of technologies in the production process. They don’t use any pesticide or fertilizer on any of their crops. Furthermore, their effective hydroponic method has the added advantage of using ninety percent less water than conventional agriculture. This is how they are playing a crucial role as far as food security is concerned.